Sunday, August 28, 2011


My heart is so heavy.

I don't even know how to write. And if you know me, you know that makes the burden so much heavier.

So many of the burdens aren't really mine, but it doesn't change the fact that they are weighing on my heart. Every where I turn, it seems I see something of concern.

Sin, injustice, woundedness, brokenness, foolishness... the list is long.

I wish there was a phone booth and a cape with my name on it. I wish I could swoop down in and rescue the hurting, wake up the foolish, and make an impact on the world around me.

But alas, I have no cape. And I don't supposed I could find a phone booth if my life depended on it. And I don't have the super powers to back up any of it.

My heart aches.

I think back to a prophesy that was spoken over me about a year ago. Part of it said, "Burdens have been placed over you, but what is heavy TO you, will not be heavy ON you."

Right now, it all feels heavy ON me.

Other people's secrets.

Other people's sins.

Other people's offenses.

Other people's hurt.

Other people's fear.

Other people's anger.

Other people's problems.

I am NOT an intercessor. But I am doing my best to take the weights I feel and lay them at the foot of the cross.

I'm doing my best not to let righteous indignation rule.

I'm doing my best to remember we are ALL sinners saved by grace.

And I'm doing my best to hold up under the weight of silence.

God sees what I don't see. He knows what I don't know. He has the strength to not only lift, but to carry the weight that feels so very heavy on my heart.


I feel so heavy laden,
Father help me let go;
Of things I don't understand,
Things I cannot know.

Remind my of Your Truth,
Help me trust again;
Remembering Your love,
Remembering my Friend.

I'm growing so tired,
Father lift the weight;
Be the Lord of all,
Set my focus straight.

Taking on so much,
No burden is mine to bear;
You're willing to take it all,
Just because You care.

And not just for me,
But for all those that I love;
So take over all the burdens,
Work them out from up above.

And help me find the rest,
That only in You is found;
And I can feel light,
Not anchored to the ground.

You bid me "Come,"
And so now I choose to do,
I give You all these burdens,
In exchange for more of You.

By Diana DePriest
© August 28, 2011

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29


Jessica Renshaw said...

Yes, other people's pain, unrighteousness and self-destructive choices can hurt the most. Today we were finally able to meet alone and offer a safe place to a mother and daughter who are being held hostage by the father's rage, blame and control by intimidation. We promised them a network of people to protect them from the one terrorizing them.

They said "Thank you so much" (licking dry lips, terrorized eyes darting back and forth), "that sounds wonderful--but maybe--some other time. We have to go. We're a few minutes late and he'll be angry!"

We had to watch them scurry back to bondage. I hurt too much even to cry.

Donald Shane said...

I know how you feel. As children of of Father God our wieght is heavery than all others. Rejoys in the Lord for soon we will be with Him. I hurtin other ways but i know your pain. Know you are loved by me and others