So many different questions, but the heart behind it is the same, "Lord, I want some assurance, I want some encouragement, direction, insight, help..." I want something from You!
Sometimes the questions are big, "Why did He die Lord? He was so young, had so much to offer, had so much potential..." Sometimes not so much so, "Why Lord did the car have to break down today?"
"When" is my question often. "When Lord will the reaping season begin?" "When will I see answers to my prayers, hopes, dreams, aspirations...??" There are big "when's" too, "When will my loved one see their need for You?" "When will you return?" "When will suffering end?" "When will Your will be done on earth?"
"How" I find to often be a constant question. It's behind all the why's and when's, even when it isn't spoken. "How are we going to come up with the money to pay for the new tire?" "How is God ever going to get through to him?" "God, how will You ever answer my prayer?"
There is an accusation, albeit probably unintentional, in practically all of these questions. It says, "I don't trust You, God." For people of faith, that's a hard reality to wrestle with. Where is our faith and confidence in the God we proclaim to worship. Because the fact of the matter is, if we don't believe He has the power, ability, compassion, concern, desire to care for our needs, then why would we worship Him anyway?
Now make no mistake, I'm not talking about some "concession" God, enter prayer/ out comes the answer, but what I am saying is, when we DON'T get the answers to the questions we are answering, we need to check our hearts, and see if our faith is in the answers or in God! When we questions His actions (or lack of them) we need to be careful we don't allow it to accuse His character. We need to, with purpose, remember to take our eyes off of our circumstances and put them on our God. We have to remember WHO He is, and we we need to answer the "why's," "when's" and "how's" with the Who.
Do you know WHO God is?
Do you know He is the One who is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him?
Do you know He is the One Who is faithful and just to forgive of us of all our sins? (Through Christ)
Do you know He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift?
Do you know He is the Lover of your soul?
Do you know He is the Author and Finisher of your faith?
And as such He is far more concerned with revealing Himself to you than He is with proving Himself to you.
So let me encourage you, next time you find yourself asking the hard questions, look for the One who is the answer, rather than the answers themselves.
Jeremiah 29:11-14
(emphaisis mine)