I have added My Amazon.com store in the sidebar to the left. It will take you to a link at Amazon.com that lists items I recommend for your
Walk of Faith. They are all items I have been blessed by or grown with. I may change it up from time to time, but they are all things that I have found to be valuable in
My Walk of Faith. Click here to check it out. If you find an item and you like it, if you purchase it by going through my store, I earn a small commission on the sale.
Here are a few highlights of my "highly recommended" list.
To Challenge and Inspire:

This is sincerely one of the best books I have read in a really long time. Struggling through the slow and painful process of waiting on God, this book was like a lifeline to me. An encouragement who feels as though they are still behind the curtain of life's call will feel beyond blessed by the wisdom in this book.

This Bible study is life-changing. I spent a summer going through this with 4 other girlfriends and it was a powerful time in my life and theirs. A wonderful study to do alone or in a small group, it will challenge your faith and grow you in a powerful way.
To Entertain and Bless:

Introduced to this band by a friend, I have never been more blessed by a worship band and their music. Playing popular "cover" songs as well as a few of their own original pieces, even listening to the CD will take you into a heart of worship. I would recommend any of their CDs, but this is my favorite. Both joyful songs of praise and heartfelt songs of worship, I highly recommend this CD.

My most recent discovery in Christian music, the songs of Kristian Stanfill speak to my anxious heart. The 7th and 8th cuts on the album "Always" and "Holding My World" respectively both speak of the constancy of God in uncertain times. I find myself listening to this album over and over again and being encouraged and more faith-filled because of it.

I think this movie is likely to be one of the most underestimated movies of all time. People put off by Tyler Perry in drag, and appearances of campy comedy miss out on one of the most profound and deeply Christian movies I have ever seen. This is without a doubt one of my all time favorite movies. An amazing story of faith and redemption I recommend this movie for every Christian movie fan's library.
Tools Worth Having:

I "heart" my Kindle. I have to say I was not a believer and truly doubted the value of having one until my mom bought me one for Christmas. Now I am true believer and a huge fan, I'm not sure how I ever lived without it. Since Christmas I have read five books, after not having read that many in all of last year. I love the option for free books and read some great fiction I would probably have missed out on otherwise. It's handy and convenient and has re
kindled my love for reading. I think every book lover should have one.

My mom bought me this item for Christmas as well, and I regret not buying one to go along with the Kindle I purchased for my son. This case gives the "feel" of an actual book in your hand, great for those who take issue with that as an excuse to not use a kindle. I can't tell you how many times I have reached up to the corner to turn the page holding this in my hand. It has a built in light that is powered from the kindle battery and makes late night reading simple. It is the must have Kindle accessory.
So, are you intrigued? Interested? Check out these and several other great items I recommend for your
Walk of Faith.
Click here to go now. You can also purchase gift cards there as well.
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