Wednesday, January 30, 2013

#twitlook & faceBOOKed

The hardest part about being a "self-published" author is the advertisement process.  First of all it is completely humbling to try to "sell" others on your creative work.  If you are not the creative type, let me tell you, it's like putting your newborn baby out there to be critiqued.  The terror that someone will think your kid ugly or a mess runs deep.

I know the book I have written is good-- the reviews it does have on Amazon are all 4 and 5 stars (mostly 5.)  Check them for yourself by clicking here. The subject matter is important and the story is relevant and impactful.  I take no credit though, because all the glory belongs to the Lord, I KNOW He helped me write the book (and its sequel.)  As the Bible says, apart from Him, I can do NOTHING.

So, I have this idea about how to get my book looked at.  I can appreciate in these trying times that $13.99 seems like a lot to spend on a book. But the price isn't unreasonable just because the author is an unknown entity if the product is good, and the product IS good.  So I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is and give people the opportunity to read the book for free.

This "advertising campaign" is called "#twitlook and faceBOOKed," and this is how it works.  I will take two copies of my book, one to circulate through Twitter world, and another to make its rounds around Facebook.  It's an honor system deal, and if someone fails to stick to it, the program automatically ends.  People can contact me and one person at a time I will send those interested the same copy of my book.  I ask that they read the book within 2 weeks or receiving it, and if they enjoy it (because no one is looking for bad advertising) they agree to post/ share about it at least 5 times (on either Facebook or Twitter, on Twitter use hashtags #twitlook; #homecoming and #prolife) within 2 weeks of finishing the book.  If you love it and want to share more, or share before you finish that's great!  But the agreement is at least 5 times and within two weeks of finishing the read (honor system)  Your only monetary investment will be the cost of returning the book to me when you're finished in a USPS Flat Rate Envelope from your local post office (total price is currently $5.60). If you're local and we can work out a return in person all the better - that makes the opportunity completely free.

If you like the story, I'd like you to sign inside the book after you've read it, if you want to put a positive word or short phrase along with it, that's great, but keep it short and small, I'm hoping for the opportunity to send it to several people. Eventually I hope these books will be a keepsake for me and for my children someday.  I will also include an additional form for you to return along with the book for more extensive critique and to answer a few questions if you're willing (but not required). The longest you should have it from receipt to return is 2 weeks and a few days, so if you don't think you can read 222 pages in 2 weeks, please don't sign up.  The general consensus seems to be that the book is a "can't put down" experience, many completing the read in 1-2 days. If you absolutely love the book and hate to return it, I will offer the you a discounted rate (plus shipping) to buy a copy of your own. If you absolutely hate the book just send it back to me and you are under no obligation to do anything else.

If  you are a fan of the book and/or you've already read Homecoming , then you wouldn't qualify for this opportunity, but I would GREATLY appreciate if you would share this blog post on your Facebook or Twitter (use hashtags #twitlook; #homecoming and #prolife) to let others know about the opportunity.  Please encourage your friends and followers to participate.

If you are interested in participating and borrowing the book, please contact me at

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