Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Master's Plan

Funny that they didn't invite Him since they were there in His "house." But He must not have minded since He was there, even if they couldn't see Him from where they stood at His altar.

A man stood there with them, he talked about Him, read from His book. The woman and man made promises in His name with no understanding of what it really meant.

He was there, watching, knowing, but they couldn't see Him, or maybe they chose not to. But He loved them anyway.

They thought they knew love as they made promises about forever-- or at least the rest of their days. They had no idea what their future held, or Who held their future. But He was there, watching, waiting, loving and leading.

I promise...

To love...

To honor...

To cherish...

What they didn't hear was the promise He made.

What God has brought together...

Let no man separate...

He brought them there, and they had no idea. It was His master plan.

It was the Master's plan.

I'm glad He was there, long before we knew it. I'm glad His words were spoken, His book was read. I'm glad the promises were made.

I'm glad we soon realized He was with us. I'm glad the Master revealed His plan.

I still promise...

To love...

To honor...

To cherish...

In Jesus' name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful way to describe YOUR wedding day to Neal. It spoke volumes!!! Tara as Anonymous